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Jun 29, 2020
Monday Motivation
Nothing is insurmountable with the right effort. Keep going. #MondayMotivation #success #growthmindset #riveting

Sep 9, 2019
Monday Motivation
Have you ever heard an interview with a very successful person? Inevitably the question comes up, "What's the secret to your success?" ...

Jun 17, 2019
Monday Motivation
Very little happens all at once. Changes in ability, fitness, innovation, invention, competence all happen incrementally. Success is...

May 6, 2019
Monday Motivation
Some things you need to learn for yourself - like tying your shoes. But there are no rules against learning from other's experiences. ...

Mar 25, 2019
Monday Motivation
Michael Jordan is considered by many the greatest basketball player of all time. One thing about his game that is not often mentioned...

Mar 18, 2019
Monday Motivation
Learning to fail well is just as important as finding success. There cannot be one from the other. Fail greatly.

Mar 13, 2019
Selfie Made Success
We like to root for the scrappy underdog – the guy who is sleeping on a couch at the office because he lost his apartment. The woman raisin

Mar 11, 2019
Monday Motivation
Joe Rogan is a multifaceted guy - stand-up comedian, MMA commentator, and the host of The Joe Rogan Experience Podcast. He hosted TV...

Mar 4, 2019
Monday Motivation
While greatness can be found in a moment...more often than not it's incremental. You might see an amazing athlete on the field, but you...

Feb 25, 2019
Monday Motivation
Churchill is one of the biggest figures of the 20th Century - who knew his share of failure - from the disastrous Gallipoli Campaign in...

Feb 18, 2019
Monday Motivation
Don't let your peers, your boss, or society define who you are and what you are capable of. #MondayMotivation #success

Feb 4, 2019
Monday Motivation
We in the US celebrated our biggest unofficial holiday - Superbowl Sunday - yesterday. The two best NFL teams facing off for the title...

Jan 28, 2019
Monday Motivation
Hustle is one of my favorite words - it implies movement and speed. There are many stories of overnight success that takes twenty years...

Jan 14, 2019
Monday Motivation
Change generally has two speeds - slow and "everything, all at once." The most meaningful change happens daily, incrementally, mindfully....

Dec 20, 2018
Success, Defined
Earlier this year, I went to a dinner hosted by a VC firm. The room was filled with professionals in the start-up ecosystem, including...

Dec 17, 2018
Monday Motivation
Too often we feel like we are not getting anywhere - that our big dreams keep moving farther and farther away, and that success is never...

Dec 10, 2018
Monday Motivation
Every day is a competition - but not against your peers, your co-workers, your classmates from school, your family or neighbors. Every...

Nov 26, 2018
Motivation Monday
Monday back from a long holiday weekend. The next few weeks will be full of distractions - the temptation to shift gears and coast will...

Oct 29, 2018
Monday Motivation
Every day is a day to move forward on your goals. Keep it up. #MondayMotivation #Riveting #MondayMotivation #success #Riveting

Oct 15, 2018
Monday Motivation
The world is full of geniuses nobody has ever heard of because they never got off the couch. Your attitude is one of the few things you...
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